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  1. Новый магический квадрант Гартнера по защите данных на мобильных устройствах. Чтобы правильно понимать картинку важно понять следующие формулировки и определения рынка: This study does not evaluate products dedicated to smartphones and tablets that do not run workstation OSs. For further information on security solutions for smartphones and tablets, see "Critical Capabilities for High-Security Mobility Management." Gartner defines mobile data protection (MDP) products and services as software security methods that enforce confidentiality policies by encrypting data, and then defending access to that encrypted data on the mass storage systems of end-user workstations. These storage systems include the primary boot drive of a workstation, additional system drives and removable devices used for portability. Storage technologies affected by MDP include magnetic hard-disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), self-encrypting drives (SEDs), flash drives and optical media. Several methods allow MDP products to delegate all or part of the encryption process to be accomplished by hardware elements, including the CPU and drive controller, and to native capabilities in the OS. Some vendors also have protection capabilities for network storage, and a few also support cloud-based storage environments (such as enterprise file synchronization and sharing [EFSS]) as an extension to the desktop. MDP is expanding to encompass data loss prevention (DLP) to reduce unwanted data movement, information rights management to invoke granular access controls based on business workflow decisions, and new factors for identity and access management (IAM), to name a few. MDP is less important as a stand-alone market and more critical to be seen as an integrated capability to be integrated with larger security markets. Скачать отчет можно здесь после регистрации