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10 Reasons NOT to use a banking app

here’s 10 reasons from the top of my head, feel free to add more to this blog.

01) I recently checked the T&C’s (terms and conditions) from an Irish banking app and it wanted me to grant permission for the app to know my location (GeoIP). Not just that but it also wanted to be able to access any images on my device. When I contacted their support line to ask them why this was necessary. They replied , it was imperative to know my location just in case I ever wanted to use a future feature which would let me know where my closest ATM was. They could not give me any reason of why they wanted to access images on my device. For “support issues” they mumbled on the phone. If I wanted to use their app, I had no choice but to give them access to track my whereabouts, movements etc

02) There is no clear legislation that sets out your rights to receive a refund if your bank account is fraudulently emptied due to mobile bank app insecurity. The burden of proof seems to be on the user to protect their handset, operating system, software, mobile operator infrastructure and everything else in the “chain” of the transaction (including the banks!)

03) Of course you want to be able to use WiFi hotspots, this means you are in most cases operating on an insecure network. It’s so easy for “bad guys” to sniff the air with a free utility and read your details.

04) Most users have not even set up a basic passcode on their devices (smartphones, tablets). Therefore if some gets access to the device, they have potentially access to their bank account.

05) Further to my recent presentation on mobile security. You will remember that most app stores do not test the security of apps. It is very easy for the “bad guys” to put Malware in the apps that can steal information from your device or other apps on your phone/device (e.g. banking app). Or it can happen when the app updates.

06) Most Smartphone/tablet device users have not installed security software on their device. Therefore they have less security than comparing to a laptop or PC with security software installed.

07) The average Smartphone / tablet users does not regularly perform OS (Operating System) updates. Many of these updates are critical security patches.

08) Due to performance issues, many of the lower cost handset manufacturers are disabling security features in order to improve performance of the device.

09) Malware on the Android platform alone has gone up over 400% in the last year

10) The technology that keeps apps separate on device does not separate them out into private sandboxes. This means that one app can read the details stored in another app without much difficulty.

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А таких много? Имхо, платформа пока не оправдывает надежд

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    • PR55.RP55
      Похоже эти версии https://vms.drweb.ru/virus/?i=21513908 https://vms.drweb-av.es/virus/?i=22278785    
    • demkd
      майнер то старый, но как запускается хз, до создания образа uVS уже прибиты задачи, через которые он почти наверное и запускался, да и uVS запущен без флага HKCR и без флага выгрузки левых потоков, а они были и их там быть не должно.
      Однако самое неприятное то что нет командных строк в истории процессов, потому найти концы уже не получится.. возможно есть баг при включении отслеживания командных строк и это надо будет проверить.
    • PR55.RP55
      Ту что-то, эдакое.... https://www.safezone.cc/threads/mainer-ili-net-nt-kernel-system.46113/
    • PR55.RP55
      Имя файла                   SCREENSHOTS@MOZILLA.ORG.XPI
      Статус                      FireFox
      Инф. о файле                Системе не удается найти указанный путь.
      Цифр. подпись               проверка не производилась
      Extension_ID                screenshots@mozilla.org
      Extension_name              Firefox Screenshots
      Extension_type              extension
      Extension_active            true
      Extension_visible           true
      Extension_version           39.0.1
      Extension_installDate       2023-08-30 17:02
      Extension_description       Take clips and screenshots from the Web and save them temporarily or permanently.
      Extension_userDisabled      false
      Extension_sourceURI         null
      --------------------------------------------------------- Предлагаю (Нужно) искать  "не найденные"объекты на других дисках. Ведь они эти объекты есть... D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features  
    • demkd
      Правильно будет вот так: cexec "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" Remove-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "путь" и оно работает, если powerShell на месте и это действительно powershell.