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Сергей Ильин

Интересный пост от LastPass в блоге. Вот так надо клиентов защищать ;)


With news that the United States National Security Agency has deliberately inserted weaknesses into security products and attempted to modify NIST standards, questions have been raised about how these actions affect LastPass and our customers. We want to directly address whether LastPass has been or could be weakened, and whether our users’ data remains secure. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/...racked/2772721/

In short, we have not weakened our product or introduced a backdoor, and haven’t been asked to do so. If we were forced by law to take these actions, we’d fight it. If we were unable to successfully fight it, we would consider shutting down the service. We will not break our commitment to our customers.

Although we are not currently in the position of having to consider closing the service, it is important to note that if LastPass had to be shut down, our users would be able to export their data or continue using LastPass in “offline” mode, although online login and syncing would no longer be possible.

We have consistently reiterated that LastPass cannot share what we cannot access. Sensitive user data is encrypted and decrypted locally with a key that is never shared with LastPass. As always, we encourage our users to create a strong master password to better protect themselves from brute-force attacks. Given our technology and lack of access to stored user data, it is more efficient for the NSA or others to try to circumnavigate LastPass and find other ways to obtain user information.

Ultimately, when you use an online service you’re trusting the people behind that service to have your best interests at heart and to fight on your behalf. We have built a tradition of being open and honest with our community, and continue to put the security and privacy of our customers first. We will continue to monitor the situation and change course as needed, with updates to our community when necessary.

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  • Сообщения

    • PR55.RP55
      Похоже эти версии https://vms.drweb.ru/virus/?i=21513908 https://vms.drweb-av.es/virus/?i=22278785    
    • demkd
      майнер то старый, но как запускается хз, до создания образа uVS уже прибиты задачи, через которые он почти наверное и запускался, да и uVS запущен без флага HKCR и без флага выгрузки левых потоков, а они были и их там быть не должно.
      Однако самое неприятное то что нет командных строк в истории процессов, потому найти концы уже не получится.. возможно есть баг при включении отслеживания командных строк и это надо будет проверить.
    • PR55.RP55
      Ту что-то, эдакое.... https://www.safezone.cc/threads/mainer-ili-net-nt-kernel-system.46113/
    • PR55.RP55
      Имя файла                   SCREENSHOTS@MOZILLA.ORG.XPI
      Статус                      FireFox
      Инф. о файле                Системе не удается найти указанный путь.
      Цифр. подпись               проверка не производилась
      Extension_ID                screenshots@mozilla.org
      Extension_name              Firefox Screenshots
      Extension_type              extension
      Extension_active            true
      Extension_visible           true
      Extension_version           39.0.1
      Extension_installDate       2023-08-30 17:02
      Extension_description       Take clips and screenshots from the Web and save them temporarily or permanently.
      Extension_userDisabled      false
      Extension_sourceURI         null
      --------------------------------------------------------- Предлагаю (Нужно) искать  "не найденные"объекты на других дисках. Ведь они эти объекты есть... D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features  
    • demkd
      Правильно будет вот так: cexec "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" Remove-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "путь" и оно работает, если powerShell на месте и это действительно powershell.